The Fibonacci Number is another common code challenge and it has some simililraties with the Factorial Number we already solved.
In this videos I show three ways to implement a solution for this problem following similar approaches: iterative loop, recursion and using inject
(which is also iterative, but it’s cooler).
- Iterative (
loop):1 2 3 4 5 6 7
def fibo(n) seq = [0, 1] 2.upto(n).each do |i| seq[i] = seq[i-1] + seq[i-2] end seq[n] end
- Recursive:
1 2 3 4
def fibo(n) return n if n <= 1 fibo(n-1) + fibo(n-2) end
- Using
:1 2 3 4
def fibo(n) return n if n <= 1 (2..n).inject([0,1]){|fib| fib << fib[-1] + fib[-2]}[n] end