Joining a new company is always a significant milestone, and my experience at Regate by Qonto has been nothing short of delightful. Starting in April, I’ve had the opportunity to witness and participate in a period of exciting changes and growth within the company.

When I was preparing to onboard, Regate was acquired by Qonto. This acquisition brought a wave of change and innovation, making my entry into the company both thrilling and challenging. Being part of a transitioning company allowed me to learn quickly and adapt to new dynamics.

In my first few months, I primarily focused on:

  • Bug Fixes: Tackling existing bugs to ensure a smoother user experience.
  • Background Processing: Enhancing the efficiency and reliability of background tasks.
  • Technical Discussions: Actively participating in discussions to shape the technical direction of our projects.
  • Feature Improvements: Refining and enhancing existing features to meet user needs better.
  • Code Reviews: Collaborating with team members to ensure code quality and consistency.

All of these tasks were done while also aiming to impvrove the quality of our codebase, making it more readable, maintainable, and scalable.

Currently, I’m working on my first significant feature addition, which I’m eager to deliver soon.

One of the most gratifying aspects of my journey so far has been the warm welcome from everyone at Regate and Qonto. In my day-to-day work, I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with colleagues from various roles and departments, including Product Managers, Leads, Staff, Frontend Engineers, and fellow Backend Engineers. The professionalism, pragmatism, and kindness of everyone have made this experience incredibly positive.

Especially memorable was the Qonto Summer Convention in Paris, where I met most of my squad members in person. Despite being based in Barcelona and working with team members spread across different parts of France and other parts of Europe, this event provided a fantastic opportunity to build personal connections and have a great time together.

Reflecting on my first few months at Regate, I am filled with gratitude and excitement for what lies ahead. The supportive environment, coupled with the chance to work on meaningful projects, makes me look forward to contributing further and growing with the company.

If you’re considering a career at a dynamic and welcoming company, I highly recommend checking out opportunities at Qonto. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to know more about my experience!

Banking Squad Summer Party Barcelona Office
Some cool recent pictures
