Posts by Tag


RSpec for Rails: Testing with Efficient Specs

6 minute read

In this article, we delve into the world of RSpec testing in a Ruby on Rails application. By leveraging the power of RSpec, we can ensure that our applicatio...

Quickly Populate Your Rails App with a CSV File

3 minute read

In this article we will learn you how to seed data to a Rails application from a CSV file. For this example we will use the Destination model from the travel...

Ruby and Rails: A Love Story

1 minute read

It all began in the mid-1990s, when Japanese programmer Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto set out to create a new programming language. He wanted a language that bal...

The Basics of Recursion in Ruby

1 minute read

Recursion is a powerful concept in programming that allows a function to call itself repeatedly until a specific condition is met. This can be a useful tool ...

Fibonacci Number code challenge

less than 1 minute read

The Fibonacci Number is another common code challenge and it has some simililraties with the Factorial Number we already solved.

Factorial Number code challenge

less than 1 minute read

Finding the Factorial Number is a common and simple challenge. Though it’s easy to solve I find it interesting because it allows us to solve it in different ...

Hello World!

less than 1 minute read

Hello there, this my first blog post.

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Why I love Rails

1 minute read

Join me on a delightful journey through the world of Ruby on Rails, where every line of code is a story of creativity and efficiency.

Rails 7.1: A Gleaming Release to Explore

2 minute read

An exploration of the fresh features in Rails 7.1, from ActiveRecord enhancements to the introduction of Bun for JavaScript. A release made even more special...

RSpec for Rails: Testing with Efficient Specs

6 minute read

In this article, we delve into the world of RSpec testing in a Ruby on Rails application. By leveraging the power of RSpec, we can ensure that our applicatio...

Quickly Populate Your Rails App with a CSV File

3 minute read

In this article we will learn you how to seed data to a Rails application from a CSV file. For this example we will use the Destination model from the travel...

Ruby and Rails: A Love Story

1 minute read

It all began in the mid-1990s, when Japanese programmer Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto set out to create a new programming language. He wanted a language that bal...

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RSpec for Rails: Testing with Efficient Specs

6 minute read

In this article, we delve into the world of RSpec testing in a Ruby on Rails application. By leveraging the power of RSpec, we can ensure that our applicatio...

Quickly Populate Your Rails App with a CSV File

3 minute read

In this article we will learn you how to seed data to a Rails application from a CSV file. For this example we will use the Destination model from the travel...

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Quickly Populate Your Rails App with a CSV File

3 minute read

In this article we will learn you how to seed data to a Rails application from a CSV file. For this example we will use the Destination model from the travel...

The Basics of Recursion in Ruby

1 minute read

Recursion is a powerful concept in programming that allows a function to call itself repeatedly until a specific condition is met. This can be a useful tool ...

Fibonacci Number code challenge

less than 1 minute read

The Fibonacci Number is another common code challenge and it has some simililraties with the Factorial Number we already solved.

Factorial Number code challenge

less than 1 minute read

Finding the Factorial Number is a common and simple challenge. Though it’s easy to solve I find it interesting because it allows us to solve it in different ...

Hello World!

less than 1 minute read

Hello there, this my first blog post.

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RSpec for Rails: Testing with Efficient Specs

6 minute read

In this article, we delve into the world of RSpec testing in a Ruby on Rails application. By leveraging the power of RSpec, we can ensure that our applicatio...

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RSpec for Rails: Testing with Efficient Specs

6 minute read

In this article, we delve into the world of RSpec testing in a Ruby on Rails application. By leveraging the power of RSpec, we can ensure that our applicatio...

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Software Engineer

Why I love Rails

1 minute read

Join me on a delightful journey through the world of Ruby on Rails, where every line of code is a story of creativity and efficiency.

The Fellowship of the Version Managers

1 minute read

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a kingdom ruled by a powerful sorcerer named ASDF. The people of the kingdom trusted him to manage all the dif...

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Quick Tip

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Discovering ‘The Phoenix Project’

3 minute read

An exploration of ‘The Phoenix Project’ reveals deep insights into DevOps and the intricate dance of software development.

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The Day Bartleby Visited Daddy’s Office

2 minute read

What happens when my daughter spots a ‘familiar face’ on my work screen? A light-hearted tale of family, code, cats, and unexpected connections.

How this blog was built

less than 1 minute read

This blog is hosted on GitHub Pages and it was built with Jekyll following a tutorial from GitHub Skills. Jekyll is a static site generator that was made to ...

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code challenge

Fibonacci Number code challenge

less than 1 minute read

The Fibonacci Number is another common code challenge and it has some simililraties with the Factorial Number we already solved.

Factorial Number code challenge

less than 1 minute read

Finding the Factorial Number is a common and simple challenge. Though it’s easy to solve I find it interesting because it allows us to solve it in different ...

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Fibonacci Number code challenge

less than 1 minute read

The Fibonacci Number is another common code challenge and it has some simililraties with the Factorial Number we already solved.

Factorial Number code challenge

less than 1 minute read

Finding the Factorial Number is a common and simple challenge. Though it’s easy to solve I find it interesting because it allows us to solve it in different ...

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computer science

Ruby and Rails: A Love Story

1 minute read

It all began in the mid-1990s, when Japanese programmer Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto set out to create a new programming language. He wanted a language that bal...

The Basics of Recursion in Ruby

1 minute read

Recursion is a powerful concept in programming that allows a function to call itself repeatedly until a specific condition is met. This can be a useful tool ...

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Rails 7.1: A Gleaming Release to Explore

2 minute read

An exploration of the fresh features in Rails 7.1, from ActiveRecord enhancements to the introduction of Bun for JavaScript. A release made even more special...

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Discovering ‘The Phoenix Project’

3 minute read

An exploration of ‘The Phoenix Project’ reveals deep insights into DevOps and the intricate dance of software development.

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The Day Bartleby Visited Daddy’s Office

2 minute read

What happens when my daughter spots a ‘familiar face’ on my work screen? A light-hearted tale of family, code, cats, and unexpected connections.

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The Fellowship of the Version Managers

1 minute read

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a kingdom ruled by a powerful sorcerer named ASDF. The people of the kingdom trusted him to manage all the dif...

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The Fellowship of the Version Managers

1 minute read

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a kingdom ruled by a powerful sorcerer named ASDF. The people of the kingdom trusted him to manage all the dif...

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The Day Bartleby Visited Daddy’s Office

2 minute read

What happens when my daughter spots a ‘familiar face’ on my work screen? A light-hearted tale of family, code, cats, and unexpected connections.

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Happy New Year

less than 1 minute read

Wish all your dreams come true, all deploys are successful and nothing bad happen to your servers.

Rails 7.1: A Gleaming Release to Explore

2 minute read

An exploration of the fresh features in Rails 7.1, from ActiveRecord enhancements to the introduction of Bun for JavaScript. A release made even more special...

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Career Development

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Hello World!

less than 1 minute read

Hello there, this my first blog post.

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How this blog was built

less than 1 minute read

This blog is hosted on GitHub Pages and it was built with Jekyll following a tutorial from GitHub Skills. Jekyll is a static site generator that was made to ...

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Quickly Populate Your Rails App with a CSV File

3 minute read

In this article we will learn you how to seed data to a Rails application from a CSV file. For this example we will use the Destination model from the travel...

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Remote Work

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The Fellowship of the Version Managers

1 minute read

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a kingdom ruled by a powerful sorcerer named ASDF. The people of the kingdom trusted him to manage all the dif...

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The Fellowship of the Version Managers

1 minute read

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a kingdom ruled by a powerful sorcerer named ASDF. The people of the kingdom trusted him to manage all the dif...

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The Day Bartleby Visited Daddy’s Office

2 minute read

What happens when my daughter spots a ‘familiar face’ on my work screen? A light-hearted tale of family, code, cats, and unexpected connections.

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The Day Bartleby Visited Daddy’s Office

2 minute read

What happens when my daughter spots a ‘familiar face’ on my work screen? A light-hearted tale of family, code, cats, and unexpected connections.

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Discovering ‘The Phoenix Project’

3 minute read

An exploration of ‘The Phoenix Project’ reveals deep insights into DevOps and the intricate dance of software development.

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Discovering ‘The Phoenix Project’

3 minute read

An exploration of ‘The Phoenix Project’ reveals deep insights into DevOps and the intricate dance of software development.

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Software Development

Discovering ‘The Phoenix Project’

3 minute read

An exploration of ‘The Phoenix Project’ reveals deep insights into DevOps and the intricate dance of software development.

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Discovering ‘The Phoenix Project’

3 minute read

An exploration of ‘The Phoenix Project’ reveals deep insights into DevOps and the intricate dance of software development.

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Discovering ‘The Phoenix Project’

3 minute read

An exploration of ‘The Phoenix Project’ reveals deep insights into DevOps and the intricate dance of software development.

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Rails 7.1: A Gleaming Release to Explore

2 minute read

An exploration of the fresh features in Rails 7.1, from ActiveRecord enhancements to the introduction of Bun for JavaScript. A release made even more special...

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Rails 7.1: A Gleaming Release to Explore

2 minute read

An exploration of the fresh features in Rails 7.1, from ActiveRecord enhancements to the introduction of Bun for JavaScript. A release made even more special...

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Happy New Year

less than 1 minute read

Wish all your dreams come true, all deploys are successful and nothing bad happen to your servers.

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Why I love Rails

1 minute read

Join me on a delightful journey through the world of Ruby on Rails, where every line of code is a story of creativity and efficiency.

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