Posts by Category


RSpec for Rails: Testing with Efficient Specs

6 minute read

In this article, we delve into the world of RSpec testing in a Ruby on Rails application. By leveraging the power of RSpec, we can ensure that our applicatio...

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Tech but funny

The Fellowship of the Version Managers

1 minute read

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a kingdom ruled by a powerful sorcerer named ASDF. The people of the kingdom trusted him to manage all the dif...

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Discovering ‘The Phoenix Project’

3 minute read

An exploration of ‘The Phoenix Project’ reveals deep insights into DevOps and the intricate dance of software development.

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Work and Life

The Bliss of Remote Work in Llançà

1 minute read

Exploring the joys of remote work with a beach view in Llançà, blending productivity with the serenity of the sea.

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